
All applications for new development, or changes and additions to existing properties, are dealt with by the local planning authority, Broadland District Council. However, details of all applications are viewed by the Town Council for comment and the Council’s views are taken into consideration when the District Planning Committee decide on the outcome of individual applications.

Planning Applications can be viewed in the Council Office during working hours and staff are always available to help with enquiries. Alternatively details of applications, decisions, appeals and all related matters can be viewed on Broadland District Council’s website.

If you would like the Town Council to hear your views on any of the Planning Applications listed below please either write or email the Council Office prior to the meeting and the Town Clerk will report your comments before any decision is made. Alternatively, if you would prefer to attend in person there is an opportunity for residents to speak during public participation. Any comments you make will be available for public inspection.

A useful document if you are considering objecting to a planning application is Planning Grounds for Objection Applications to be considered at the next meeting of Sprowston Town Council to be held on 24 July 2024 will be listed below as they are received:

2024/1854 – erection of single storey UPVC conservatory at 5 Blackwell Avenue Sprowston 

2024/1857 – proposed first floor rear extension. Existing single storey to be rendered at 51, Cozens Hardy Road, Sprowston