Council Meetings

Town Council meetings are open to the public, who are very welcome to attend, and there is an opportunity for residents to ask questions on any matters concerning the Parish of Sprowston. Notes for the public attending Town Council meetings give guidance on our procedures at Full Council Meetings and Parish Meetings.

The Council is committed to conducting its business in an open, transparent manner. Members of the public are welcome to film and record our public meetings. We have a adopted  a simple policy that outlines how people can film, photograph, record and report on Council meetings without disrupting the business of the Council, and whilst ensuring that children, vulnerable persons and people who do not wish to be filmed, are protected. Protocol for Reporting at Meetings.

Copies of the agenda and minutes for each meeting are available free of charge either on request from the Council Office or can be down loaded from the website when they are published or at the meeting.  Other background papers and reports can also be viewed or copies supplied on payment of a small charge, details in the Town Council’s Publication Scheme. The Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioners Office. Meeting dates are posted on the Councils notice boards and unless otherwise advised all meetings are held at the Council Office, Recreation Ground Road, Sprowston, Norwich NR7 8EW commencing 7.30pm.

These documents are also available in other formats including large print, Braille, audio or in a different language. Please contact this office if this is required.

Council Meetings 2024/2025

 26 June 2024


Pages 1 – 17

Pages 18 – 46


 24 July 2024


 4 September 024    
 25 September 2024    
 23 October 2024    
 27 November 2024    

 18 December 2024

 Precept and Planning 


 22 January 2025

 26 February 2025    

 26 March 2025

 Annual Town Meeting


 26 March 2025

 23 April 2025    
 28 May 2025    

Council Meetings 2023/24

Council Meetings 2022/23

Council Meetings 2021/22

Council Meetings 2020/21

Council Meetings 2019/20

Council Meetings 2018/19

Council Meetings 2017/18 

Council Meetings 2016/17

Council Meetings 2015/16

Council Meetings 2014/15

Council Meetings 2013/14

Council Meetings 2012/13